Sunday, January 21, 2007

On a Longggggg Weekend………….

Well, Pongal was a boon in terms of providing all of us with a long weekend. Thanks to SunTV, JayaTV, Raj TV and Vijay TV for providing some good programs and films. I was literally jumping channels every half an hour. It was indeed a good break that came-in to break the monotony of daily routine. Not to forget the delicious pongal & karumbu (Sugarcane) that kept my stomach full on the day of Pongal. Apart from these main activities, I had to travel a lot in the city to catch up with my cousins, relatives and also shopping.

Above all these, I got some time to spend with somebody special. I enjoyed every gesture he made and tried to capture some of it on my mobile cam. Guess who could that famous personality be – it is the 8 year old Labrador – Teddy. Isn’t he absolutely adorable? He loves to sleep and pose for a camera. He eats parrupu saatham (Rice + Dal) with boiled carrot and drinks gallons of milk. He hardly barks. Probably, he doesn’t believe that “barking dogs seldom bite”.

“Oops, there is something on my back. Let me quickly clean it up and pose for Krishna’s mobile.”

How about this sleepy pose? Please click a snap. Atleast, people would call me a sweet dog.

I even played this wonderful game – Brain-Vita on the weekend and landed up with just one marble on the board! Doesn’t that tell you all that I am a genius! The secret of success in achieving this is pure concentration and perseverance. Lot of thinking, lots of trial and error and what not has gone into this!

(Shhh…there is something fishy about this. I just placed a marble in the centre and clicked that snap ;-)..)


Ramya Shankar said...

He sure does seem a familiar person! :D :D

Psst: I've got more of his lazy poses!

Priya said...

I love chinese checkers and dogs are good companions which brings us happiness.

Sharda said...

your dog looks adorable!

Swamy Srinivasan aka Kittu Mama said...

I love dogs and had always wanted to have a pet during my school days.
Great to hear about ur pongal celebrations !

~/rajesh/~ said...

hey, u got this doggy in chennai ?

Anonymous said...

Many Nerds won't be returning. Some old timers I remember from last year, people like Trenchcoat Mafia, Silk Dragon Shirt, probably won't be coming back next year.
Spamming blogs I put their names up, immortalizing them, if only until the blog owner erases everything::::
1. Trenchcoat Mafia
2. Silk Dragon Shirt
3. The Distinguished English Gentleman
4. Beta Nerd, and of course
5. Rosie The Transsexual
Rosie's original name was just Rosie, due to his rosie cheeks. They shared he has a high level of knowledge, a tactic the gods employ to create a false sense of security. This of course is the segment which they dump so many transsexuals into.
I too enjoy irony, and therefore Rosie has now become Rosie The Transsexual.
Who else has a nickname in the NerdRoom?

I'd like to remind you many of the people in the NerdRoom are good men. I hope this is reflected in what they are allowed to learn and the progress they're allowed to make.
I'd also like to remind you their predecessors, REAL nerds from a generation ago who fill the computer swap meet, are WONDERFUL men, and since I likely won't be going again I want to remember them as well.

Actually the comparison of the two is a testiment to the devolution of society, which will be used as justification for the Apocalypse:::
Today's nerds are NOT wonderful men. They grew up with the internet and many consider pornography as an acceptable vice. They gamble freely, enjoy evil imagry in video games, and this issue is a microcosim of our deterioration.

Anonymous said...

ha, do u really think the marble is in the middle? i know that u r already wearing glasses ;)