Sunday, December 31, 2006


The year 2006 has been and will remain as a landmark in my life. Putting it in a program management way “Lots of milestones were achieved on-time, in both my personal and professional lives”. I thank the Almighty and my well-wishers for all this. A short glimpse of the happenings is depicted in this collage.

For the expectations and resolutions, a similar post will follow ;-)…

Wishing you all a very Happy New Year!!!!!


Vani Viswanathan said...

Happy New Year!
(your first comment in the new year :D )
What a life-changing year this's been.. and to think it's just flown by, whoa!!!
Hope the new year is wonderful, happy and healthy.. cheers!!

~/rajesh/~ said...

Hope you set your eyes on higher milestones and reach them this year (in a PM way ;-)

(what is that photo that looks like an exam hall ? )

Happy 2007 !

Kalpana said...

Have a wonderful year 2007!!!

Sunita said...

Wish you a very Happy New Year!! Hope to read more entertaining & thought provoking stories this year too.

mystic rose said...

Hi, Happy new Year to you too!

Thanks for the wishes in mine. :)

Looking for the next post.

Krishnakumar said...

@Vani: Thanks a lot :)...

@Rajesh: That was the campus interview ;)

@Kalpana:Thanks for the wishes.

@Sunita: Thanks a lot :)

@Mystic Rose: Thanks for the wishes. The next post is on the web :)